that are dented,
but soft.
“Handle Without Care is about letting go, accepting mistakes and what we can’t control.
In photography the unexpected offers us something novel and magical, because by disrupting the norm, it inevitably draws our gaze and focus towards it.”
Ilaria Zennaro – Photographer

Handle Without Care is not just a philosophy but represents a state of being, of those who have chosen to face life according to their talents and passions. Of those who have decided, in a natural way, to be the bearer every day of the things in which they believe and that they succeed well, making them a job, a reason for life or a pastime.
Nicola Zanetti (Fango) – Dj and Producer

“Wherever you go, be immersed”
Alessandra has many passions, among which are: art, fashion, travels. She embraces each one completely. Traveling to her means to be fully immersed in a place without worrying about anything, but to discover it, as she fills her baggage with new experiences – wonderful things, found along the journey.
Alessandra Craba – Visual Arts Operator

“A cautious life of impetuous adventures.”
Yasmine is an art curator who grew up in Beirut and Rome. She now works in Venice, Italy, where she also lives. A lively spirit, Yasmine’s inborn attitude lets her live her life adventurously: a journey that should be faced without worries, inhibitions, or restraints.
Yasmine Helou – Art Curator

“A concept which helps with the economy of my synapses”
Film, art, culture: they are his passions, but also his job. Floriano lives in Venice, Italy, where he works in film production at the Veneto Film Commission foundation. Sometimes – he tells us – when we overcharge our heads with ideas while we also have to keep a lot of things in order at the same time, we end up limiting our creativity instead, and we compromise our mood. True freedom is when we can afford to think about what we want, and to discard everything else.
Floriano Buono – Head of Production – Veneto Film Commission
